There are several oil and gas marine industries suffering from the invader like rodent, bedbugs, flies, irrespective of vessel or place which need to eradicate from the industries to ensure the safety. Additionally, boats or yachts stored on the ground or in the water have a threat of wood termites and powder post beetles, which need to prevent else cause the huge expenditure loss.
We as a pest control service provider have 32 years of elongated experience in the allied domain, and hold an expertise in employing advanced technology adopted treatment that ensures absolute Marine disinfestations by extermination of pests from the respective vessel in the marine. We fully support all types of marine vessels and installations inclusive of drill rigs, platforms, etc. to control and eradicate infestation.
Our blend of expert professionals and advanced technology has enabled us to track, monitor and control all types of insects and rodents of any life stage for Marine disinfestations and at the same time ensure the minimum disruption of the business during the pest control operation.
We achieve commodity/commercial fumigation service by employing below chemical:
Methyl bromide
Both chemicals have the nature to create concentrations of gas under specific temperature and pressure, which leads to suffocation and kills the insects inside the box or kernels or in the fumigated area. The process achieves absolute success, only if the right tightness of the gas is achieved by perfect dosage, which is calculated by the area where it is to be applied. A higher amount of the chemical than the required amount can cause damage to the commodities, so it is recommended to be performed by a professionals Commodity fumigation service provider to get absolute efficacy along with the care of your commodities.
Our professional team of the commodity fumigation has decades of experience spanning a varied industries and has thorough knowledge of safety regulation and go beyond what is required to effectively exterminate pests and insects from the commodities. Additionally, strives to pay absolute attention to detail required for effective Commodity fumigation.